Thursday, February 28, 2013

Finally, Virginia Beach!

Wednesday started out a little hairy as we had some tense moments in the van as we approached the many water crossings around Newport News, VA. We realized at the last minute that many of the major routes were via tunnels, which we can't go through with propane on board. Managed to snake our way around and find bridge routes and eventually found ourselves in beautiful, warm (65 degrees) Virginia Beach late in the afternoon. Parked next to a palm tree because it made us feel good!  Spent the late afternoon watching surfers in wet suits enjoying the waves and ducking at the incredibly loud, and constant noise of large jets flying overhead.  After the beach, we headed to the tasting room at Beach Brewing, a new brewery to the VB area in the last few years, then headed back to set up the Van for a good night's sleep near the beach. Glad to take advantage of the warm day, as cold weather is supposed to be coming in.

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