Friday, July 19, 2013

Changing Temperatures (Andre)

We understand that things are pretty warm back home – sorry to hear that! Ninety plus degrees and humidity for several days can be a real trial. Hope everyone back east is staying cool. We understand that things are supposed to cool off soon.

Just passing along some rather unusual weather from this part of the world – Big Bend. The long-term forecast for the week that just passed called for cooler and cloudy weather. We really didn’t believe it since in the 3 months we have been here, our experience has been that you can wake up and pretty much assume it will be hot and sunny each day. As you have been reading, hot typically means weather here is west Texas that ranges from 90-105 or more degrees.

Well, this week it has indeed been different. High temperatures for Monday through Friday here were in the low 70s and only hit 90 for the first time today! (We have worn fleeces several times this week while out hiking.) We haven’t seen much sun all week either – it has been consistently cloudy all day every day this week! And, it has actually rained several times this week. Not all day or multi-hour rains like are common in New England, but spurts of rain for 15 - 60 minutes that cool things off and help contribute some to the ongoing drought.
Wall of rain dropping down into the desert from the cloud center - taken just a few minutes ago

When we first got to Big Bend, we told people here that we would bring colder weather and rain since both seemed to follow us on our journey from RI to Texas.  And they were very happy to hear that since to people out here, cold and rainy is exciting times. Now they are really starting to believe us!

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