Monday, July 22, 2013

You won't see this in Rhode Island....

As you know by now if you've been checking in on our blog with any regularity, every day here at Big Bend holds the possibility of something interesting or unusual. Here are a few photographs from the last few days when we were out and about in the park...



Mother Javelina (Collared Peccary) with baby crossing the road while we were out walking. The baby's hair was a dark pinkish tan color and fluffier than Mom's dark, coarse, furry covering. The next morning while running, I ran into another mother Javelina with two tiny babies. This one crossing the road in the above photo was followed shortly after by another adult male. Dad perhaps?

Ran into this Greater Roadrunner down at the Rio Grande Campground in the Eastern section of the park. Although these Roadrunners are plentiful here, they are difficult to capture on film as they really do move very quickly!

This print is likely that of a Mountain Lion. We photographed this just at the edge of the Rio Grande in the same area of the park where we photographed the Roadrunner. There is a chance that it was made by a large Bobcat, but after comparing three different prints to our references in the Visitor Center, we believe it was a Lion.  Usually you would not see the claw marks on a print like this - just the pads - but it was in very soft sand at the water's edge

Just another week at the "Bend"........

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