Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Promises and Plans (Andre)

Every plan is a tiny prayer to father time – Death Cab for Cutie
As already recorded in an earlier blog entry, we once bought a pair of hiking boots when our oldest son was about 2 months, as a promise to ourselves that we would get back to hiking and outdoors activity when we could.
Several years later, when we bought our house in West Greenwich, we bought a pool table light that we saw on clearance as a promise to ourselves that we would indeed remodel the basement to accommodate a pool table.
Not long after that, we were in an LL Bean and saw a canoe paddle on clearance. We always wanted a canoe, guess what we did.
Well, last year in May, in the throes of planning for this adventure – when, would we, could we, should we etc., we were in Las Vegas for a week and found ourselves driving around the desert and mountains. We came upon Lake Mead National Recreation Area. They were selling national park passes that were good for a year. Yes, we bought one as a promise to ourselves that we would act on this plan, get on the road this year, and use it often.
Yesterday we found ourselves in O’Leno State Park in Florida. They were selling Florida State Park passes for one year. We now have a Florida State Park pass.
Promises kept in each case. We wonder what promises and plans await us next!

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